Navigating Model Safety: A Comprehensive Guide for Collaborating with Photographers
In the ever-evolving world of modelling, where creativity intertwines with professionalism, ensuring model safety is paramount. Models are the face of brands, the embodiment of artistic visions, and the focal point of photographs that capture the essence of fashion, beauty, and glamour. However, amidst the glamour and allure of the industry, it's crucial to prioritize safety and well-being in every photoshoot. Whether you're a
seasoned professional or a newcomer to the scene, understanding and implementing safety measures when
working with photographers is essential. Here's a comprehensive guide to navigating model safety in collaboration
with photographers:
Research and Due Diligence: Before agreeing to work with a photographer, conduct thorough research. Review
their portfolio, scrutinize their online presence, and seek feedback from fellow models or industry professionals.
Pay attention to any red flags such as reports of unprofessional behaviour, safety concerns, or unethical practices.
Trustworthy agencies and online platforms often provide resources and reviews to help models make informed
decisions about potential collaborators.
Effective Communication: Clear communication is the cornerstone of a safe and successful photoshoot. From
the initial contact to the final images, maintain open and transparent communication with the photographer. Discuss
the shoot's concept, location, and expectations in detail. Address any concerns or boundaries you may have
regarding wardrobe, poses, or physical contact. Establishing mutual understanding and respect fosters a positive
and collaborative working relationship.
Chaperone: Whenever possible, consider bringing a trusted companion with you to the shoot. Whether it's a friend, family member, or fellow model, having someone familiar by your side provides additional support and security. Your companion can offer moral support, keep an eye out for any potential safety hazards or discomfort, and serve as a trusted confidant throughout the shoot.
Safe Meeting Locations: For initial meetings with photographers you haven't worked with before, prioritize safety by choosing a public meeting location. Opt for well-lit and populated venues such as coffee shops, restaurants, or coworking spaces. Meeting in a public setting allows you to assess the photographer's professionalism and intentions in a neutral environment. Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety above all else.
Trust Your Instincts: Your intuition is a powerful tool when it comes to ensuring your safety. If something feels off or uncomfortable, trust your gut instincts and speak up. Don't ignore red flags or dismiss your concerns for the sake of professionalism. A reputable photographer will prioritize your well-being and respect your boundaries.
Establish Clear Boundaries: Before the shoot begins, communicate your boundaries and expectations with the photographer. Clearly outline what you are and are not comfortable with in terms of poses, wardrobe choices, and physical contact. Establishing clear boundaries helps create a safe and respectful working environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
Safety Plan with Code Words: Develop a safety plan with your companion before the shoot. Establish a code word or signal that you can use if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable during the shoot. This discreet communication method allows you to address any concerns quickly and effectively without causing a scene. Having a safety plan in place provides peace of mind and empowers you to prioritize your safety on set.
Sobriety and Professionalism: It's essential to maintain sobriety and professionalism
during photoshoots. Avoid consuming alcohol or drugs before or during the shoot, as it impairs judgment and may
compromise your safety. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being by staying hydrated, well-rested, and focused
throughout the shoot.
Adherence to Safety Guidelines: On set, adhere to safety protocols and guidelines to minimize risks and prevent
accidents. Familiarize yourself with the location, equipment, and props, and follow instructions from the photographer and
crew. Wear appropriate footwear to prevent slips or falls, and be cautious around electrical equipment or fragile props.
Your safety is paramount, so prioritize caution and diligence at all times.
Reporting Incidents: If you experience or witness any form of harassment, misconduct, or safety hazards during a
photoshoot, report it promptly to the appropriate authorities or agencies. Your voice matters, and by speaking up, you
can help prevent similar incidents from happening to others in the future. Don't hesitate to seek support from trusted
individuals or organizations who can assist you in addressing the situation.
In conclusion, model safety should always be a top priority when working with photographers. By following these comprehensive guidelines and trusting your instincts, you can help ensure a safe, respectful, and empowering working environment for everyone involved in the photoshoot. Remember, your safety and well-being are non-negotiable, and you deserve to feel valued and respected in every aspect of your modelling career.

Model Safety
Model scams & safety warnings

When arranging a shoot, please have a list of your rates at hand, and let the photographer know what you are charging per hour. Stick to your rates when you've decided what they are...if you don't know what to charge, it's always best to have a look at other model sites and see what they are charging. You'll notice that most of them are very similar.
Here's a rough guide.
£30 per hour for Fashion
£30-£40 per hour for Lingerie
£30-£50 per hour for Topless
£40-£60 per hour for Nude
£60-£70 per hour for adult top shelf "open leg"
Most studios will only pay you £50 p/h for doing nude work.
Also, state whether you want your travel expenses covered. It's a good idea not to price yourself too high. Some professional photographers will be put off by this and therefore will not approach you. You can always state whether you're open to negotiation. Also, please state your style of modelling (fashion, topless, nude, men's magazine, stills, video or both?) and what level of work you are willing to go up to - and which you will never do.
Fashion - Model is fully clothed, with no nudity.
Swimwear - Model is to wear swimwear, a bikini or a swimsuit. Again no nudity, the model's breasts are covered.
Lingerie - Model is to wear underwear which may include things like tights, stockings, thongs, knickers, and suspenders. See-through items are not included at this level unless discussed beforehand.
Glamour - This has lots of different meanings - sheer or seethe clothing, maybe FHM (lad magazine) style, usually clothed but sexy and provocative.
Topless - Breasts are showing, such as what you see on page 3.
Semi-nude - This could count as topless, half of you is nude, such as breasts then the bottom half would be covered. Or it could mean that you are totally nude but lying in a certain way that makes you only partially nude.
Art-nude/figure/classic - Model is nude, but not in an explicit way. Pubic hair may be showing, but legs are not open, this is a very tasteful level of work and is done mainly in black and white rather than colour.
Magazine style/full nude - This style of modelling is what you will see if you look at top-shelf magazines, the model will have her legs open and be nude, and there are all sorts of levels such as UK magazines, US magazines, continental etc. The UK is the softest level explained above, then the US is where the model holds herself open, and continental is where insertion is used (such as toys or fingers). Then there are 2 girls (or girl/girl) and a boy/girl, this is where you pose for stills or video with a male or female partner at either a hard or soft level.
There are loads of different levels of glamour: Click here to get a breakdown.
If anything here is not clear, or you don't understand, please let me know at..... Email: info@Glamour-Photographymagazine.com.
PFT or TFP means 'prints for time' and 'time for prints' (both are the same thing). This is where you work for the photographer in exchange for prints, or a CD of your images. You DO NOT get paid for this type of shoot. It's an ideal opportunity for you to get good images for your book (portfolio), and in this case, no model release should be signed. The pictures should only be available to the model and the photographer for their promotion. No payment either way.
Model Release Form - If you sign this, then that means that you have signed the rights over to the photographer (copyright) and he/she can therefore go on to do whatever they wish with the pictures without your say-so (unless stated otherwise in the release form). If you are going to sign a form, please make sure you read through it properly and understand it before signing. You can charge a price for signing a release form. (Again, look around on other model sites). Click here to visit our model release page.
If you're under 16 you can only do fashion modelling (fully clothed). You will need a chaperone.
If you're over 18 you can do topless, (Glamour-Photography would advise taking a chaperone on your first couple of shoots.) Keep safety your main priority.
If you're 18 plus you can do any kind of level including 'magazine' hard and/or soft.
Things to remember before a shoot
Legs, Armpits, Bikini Line etc. - If you shave - at least 24hrs before, If you wax - 48hrs. This allows any red marks, and skin irritations to be alleviated.
NEVER use fake tanning creams. You will appear on film as the "Orange Tango woman!
Wear loose-fitting clothes to travel. T-shirts and loose baggy trousers are best. Avoid anything with elasticized waistbands, cuffs, collars tight bra straps etc. If your
Travel circumstances allow, try to travel without underwear. Once you have ugly red marks on your skin from tight clothes, they cannot be hidden and can take around three hours to disappear.
Also remove any tight watch straps/jewellery etc. which mark your skin.
Please bring high heels in both light and dark colours. Even when they are not in the shot, they force you to stand very upright, which improves your posture and figure.
Try to bring a variety of underwear, preferably matching sets, in both light and dark colours.
Keeping Safe
- Never give out your address or phone number.
- Always ask for the photographer's contact number and email address.
- Always phone the photographer, dialling 141 first, to withhold your number.
- Always Check with the studio that the photographer has booked the agreed time and date under his name.
- Never agree to work from your own home.
- Ask to see some examples of the photographer's work. Do these compare with his stated level of experience?
- Tell somebody where you are going! What time you are expecting to be home, who you are meeting, contact phone number at the studio etc.
- Take a mobile phone if you can.
- Take a chaperone until you feel comfortable enough to attend shoots on your own. But make sure you inform the photographer beforehand.
There are a lot of scams out there, people claiming to be someone they're not. On the Internet they are pretty much unavoidable, just remember to ask them questions and check them out. If someone approaches you, and you're not sure who they are…
You can email me email: info@Glamour-Photographymagazine.com and if I've not heard of them I will know someone who has and whether they are a good or bad agency! If any agency asks you to part with any money, I seriously wouldn't advise it… It's one of the most well-known scams in the book! If an agency feels that you have potential… either as a fashion or a glamour model, they will make their money by getting you plenty of work. If you hand out a load of cash to them, you will never hear or see them again.
I hope this hasn't been too boring for you. You have hopefully learnt a few things that you may not have known before. I'd appreciate feedback from everyone who reads this… and again if you feel I've missed something let me know, and it will be added!
All the best and be safe!
Thank you to everyone who helped me put my advice page together.
Code of conduct
The Rules & Behaviour.
Photographer's code of conduct
1) A photographer will treat any model with the utmost respect at all times.
2) Always allow a chaperone to all shoots; it is acceptable that you may require them to sit outside the room on some occasions.
3) If the model is not accompanied then they will then be given provision to either have the same one phone them every half hour or ring their nominated person to assure of their safety.
4) Photographers will always use their real names and if applicable their company name. They will always give a true address when asked for identification and will supply models with a landline phone number when asked. They will also provide full details of the shoot location before the day of the shoot.
5) Where payment is due to the model, it will be paid promptly and in full, preferably on the day of the shoot. If paying via an agency, this will also be made promptly.
6) Photographers will abide by UK law at all times concerning the signing of any contract by a model, the required age limitation that may be placed on a model, the presence or the consent of a parent or guardian for any person under the age of 18.
7) Photographers will make any health and safety provisions for the model that may be required of them. They will make themselves fully aware of the Health and Safety Act 1974, and fully take any responsibility that is placed on them as the “employer”, even though this is a contractual form.
8) Photographers should respect any agreement made with the model before the shoot. This may range from the type of modelling agreed to the eventual usage of the shots, and any copyright agreement this would raise.
9) Where a session is to last over 2 hours, then provision should be made for at least a 15-minute break for the model.
10) The photographer should ensure that there are adequate changing facilities for the model and that they are given privacy to change.
11) Photographers should recognise and be fully aware that no model is booked to supply sexual services to them, nor should any photographer ask for sexual services from a model. Even if the level & and content of the photoshoot are of an adult nature.
12) In a Prints-for-time agreement, the said number of prints should be agreed to before the start of the shoot, and the delivery date agreed. If this delivery can not be met, then a financial compensation clause should be agreed beforehand.